7525 Clyo Road, Dayton, OH 

7525 Clyo Road, Dayton, OH 

How to Prepare for an Estate Sale
Estate sales can be a nice source of cash, as well as giving a good home to items that you inherited but don’t wish to keep. Although we provide all the supplies and staffing you might need, there are still some steps you can take to prepare and make your sale a success.
women packing wanted items before sale

Steps to Make Your Estate Sale a Success

  • Take inventory or identify: We recommend taking an inventory or identifying (with color tape or post-it) all of the items for sale. Once we know what you’ll be putting in the estate sale, we can then determine the size of the sale. We will also be able to categorize the items for better marketability. We need to see the inventory so that we can appraise higher-value pieces for appropriate pricing.
  • Consider all the possibilities: We suggest sorting & cleaning out the closets, attic, and basement because there are often valuable belongings that have been forgotten about.
  • Fix it up: Speaking of cleaning, every piece that is going into the estate liquidation should be inspected, dusted, and fixed if necessary. These steps can do a lot to increase the amount you get for your estate sale items.

We will price your items after categorizing and researching them for a reasonable price or what is considered fair market resale value. We will work to get you the highest price while still offering shoppers a good deal. Our Ohio estate sale experts work hard to create an enticing, profitable, and easy-to-navigate estate sale.

Here are more tips to help you prepare for an estate sale:

  • Never discard ANYTHING! Unless it’s trash, someone can use it! Before our arrival to begin staging please remove anything not for sale. We commit to your sale based on the contents represented to us during your initial consultation.
  • We provide EVERYTHING! Supplies, staffing, and advertising are all covered in our commission. Don’t worry about a thing!
  • Although you are welcome to attend your sale, we strongly discourage it. It can be too emotional for family members to witness firsthand. Plan a fun activity for the day instead!
  • We will communicate with you daily during your sale. Upon conclusion, you will be given a closing statement along with a check, less our fees.
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Call today to schedule your complimentary consultation. Every sale is unique and tailored to your specific requirements. Let’s meet and discuss!